Tuesday, April 27, 2010

Best Films Ever

Bikini Pics - Through his rear window and the eye of his powerful cameraa photo jounalist watches a great city tell on itself, exposeits cheating ways and Murder! The movie is about voyeurism and to a lesser degree aboutlove between two apparently different people.

Rear Window is a 1954 film directed by Alfred Hitchcock, based onCornell Woolrich's 1942 short story It Had to Be Murder. It starsJames Stewart as photojournalist L. B. Jefferies, Grace Kelly ashis fashion model girlfriend Lisa Carol Fremont, and Raymond Burras the suspected killer, Lars Thorwald.

The film is considered by many film goers to be one of Hitchcock'sbest and most thrilling pictures.

L. B. "Jeff" Jefferies is a professional photographer who has beenconfined to his Greenwich Village apartment after an accident hasleft him with his leg in a cast,he takes to spying on his neighbors through the rear window. His view of the back of several apartment buildings, their inner courtyard, and the persons dwelling within.
Jeff comes to believe a murder has taken place in the building across the courtyard, though his friends, his nurse Stella (Thelma Ritter), and his girlfriend, Lisa Carol Fremont (Grace Kelly) initially think his beliefs are imagined, and put them down to his idle behavior.

Thorwald and his wife are a reversal of Jeff and Lisa. Thorwald looks after his invalid wife just as Lisa looks after the invalid Jeff. They were actually a newlywed couple who rarely leave their bedroom. But this developes into trouble for their marriage and Thorwald and his wife begin to argue.The constant nagging of the wife sets the stage for murder.

The character of Lars Thorwald is not seen in close-up and cannot be heard speaking clearly until the climax of the movie. At this point, he appears in Jeff's room. This scene features a sequence shown from Thorwald's point of view as he attempts to proceed towards Jeff, but is repeatedly stopped as Jeff blinds him with the flash from his camera. But Lars does suceeds in pushing Jeff out of the window just as the police arrieve and arrest Lars for the murder of his wife.

Jeff survives and the film ends with the planning of his future with Liza. This movie has been deemed "culturally significant" by the United States Library of Congress and selected for preservation in the National Film Registry.The film received four Academy Award nominations. [1]Best Director for Alfred Hitchcock,[2] Best Screenplay for John Michael Hayes,[3]Best Cinematography, Color for Robert Burks,[4] Best Sound Recording for Loren L. Ryder, Paramount Pictures.

Saturday, April 24, 2010

Siswa Mengulang UN

Watch Movie Online - Dinas Pendidikan Makassar optimis tingkat kelulusan Ujian Nasional (UN) 2010 tingkat SMA dan sederajat bisa lebih tinggi. Bimbingan khusus akan diberikan kepada siswa yang harus mengulang UN karena tidak lulus ujian tahap pertama.

Kepala Dinas Pendidikan Kota Makassar, Mahmud BM mengatakan, sekolah yang memiliki siswa tidak lulus pada ujian tahap pertama diminta memberikan bimbingan khusus menjelang pelaksanaan UN ulangan. Setelah ujian tahap kedua, jumlah siswa yang lulus diharapkan bisa lebih besar.

"Kami mengimbau siswa yang harus mengulang UN pada tahap kedua bisa lebih fokus mengerjakan setiap soal yang diberikan. Mereka sudah punya pengalaman pada UN sebelumnya sehingga perhatiannya bisa lebih terpusat agar bisa lulus," imbaunya, Sabtu, 24 April.

Data yang dirilis Panitia UN 2010 Dinas Pendidikan Sulsel, jumlah siswa SMA di Makassar yang tidak lulus hanya 724 siswa dari 8020 peserta ujian. Persentase ketidaklulusan siswanya hanya sekira 9,02 persen.

Angka kelulusan peserta UN tahun ini, kata dia, sudah lebih baik dibanding tahun sebelumnya. "Harapannya, hasil yang disampaikan Dinas Pendidikan Sulsel itu bisa lebih meningkat lagi persentase kelulusannya setelah siswa melakukan ujian ulangan pada Mei mendatang," ujarnya.

Perbaikan metode pembelajaran, imbuhnya, telah dilakukan sejak beberapa bulan sebelum pelaksanaan UN untuk memperbaiki angka kelulusan siswa. Perbaikan itu berupa penambahan jam belajar efektif di semua satuan pendidikan.

Tenaga pengajar di semua sekolah telah disosialisasikan agar memperbaiki kualitas mengajarnya sehingga pengetahuan siswa juga bertambah. Mental siswa juga telah disiapkan untuk menghadapi soal-soal ujian dengan penambahan jam pelajaran.

Sementara itu, Ketua Musyawarah Kerja Kepala Sekolah (MKKS) SMA negeri dan swasta di Makassar, Herman Hading, mengemukakan, mutu pendidikan secara umum sudah membaik. "Nilai akademik maupun prestasi siswa menunjukkan tren yang terus meningkat," ujarnya.

Kendati rentang waktu pengulangan ujian atau UN tahap kedua untuk peserta yang tidak lulus pada tahap pertama ini cukup dekat, siswa diimbau tetap mempersiapkan diri. Kesiapan menghadapi ujian ulangan itu juga sekaligus memperbesar angka kelulusan siswa di Makassar.

"Beban siswa menghadapi ujian ulangan sudah mulai berkurang kendati tidak lulus pada ujian tahap pertama. Anak-anak sudah mengikuti ujian tahap pertama, sehingga sudah punya pengalaman," ujarnya.

Selain beban mental sudah berkurang, tidak semua mata ujian yang diberikan kepada peserta pada tahap pertama juga akan diberikan pada tahap kedua. Menurut Herman, hanya mata ujian yang tidak lulus saja yang akan kembali diujikan.

Meskipun angka kelulusan siswa pada UN 2010 sudah lebih baik, Herman tetap menargetkan perbaikan hasil pada UN 2011 mendatang. Salah satu upaya yang akan dilakukan di antaranya memaksimalkan proses belajar mengajar, terutama pada tingkat kehadiran guru dan siswa, penambahan jam mata pelajaran khususnya yang diujikan secara nasional, serta bimbingan belajar di luar jam pendidikan formal.

"Guru harus terus melakukan antisipasi dan pengembangan kualitas pendidikan dengan melakukan pembelajaran yang lebih inovatif dan kreatif. Kurikulumnya memang tidak banyak berubah, tetapi pengetahuan siswa harus terus dikembangkan," jelasnya.

Sementara itu, data kelulusan siswa untuk tingkat sekolah menengah kejuruan (SMK) belum masuk di Panitia UN Dinas Pendidikan Sulsel, hingga kemarin. Ketua Panitia UN, Abdullah Parewe juga mengatakan, semua nilai kelulusan siswa akan diterima Minggu, 25 April.

"Kami juga meralat data yang sudah dirilis, kelulusan sebanyak 2.630 siswa dari 33.330 peserta ujian itu baru untuk jurusan IPA saja. Belum termasuk jurusan IPS dan Bahasa. Segera kami informasikan dan umumkan kelulusan untuk dua jurusan itu," katanya.

Abdullah mengatakan, persentase ketidaklulusan siswa masih memiliki peluang untuk turun setelah dilakukannya ujian tahap kedua. Siswa yang dinyatakan tidak lulus UN tahap pertama masih memperoleh kesempatan mengikuti UN tahap kedua yang akan diselenggarakan pada Mei bulan depan.

Penentuan kelulusan siswa, katanya, tidak hanya ditentukan oleh hasil akhir UN saja. Kelulusan siswa juga ditentukan oleh nilai hasil Ujian Akhir Sekolah (UAS) serta penilaian sikap siswa di sekolah masing-masing.

Friday, April 23, 2010

Pidato Kita

Cuando Me Enamoro - Demokrasi harus terwujud antara lain dalam bentuk pemerintahan yang baik. Demokrasi juga menghadapi tantangan yang tidak kecil, seperti dari gerakan separatis, korupsi dan kemiskinan.

Demikian antara lain bagian dari Pidato Presiden Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono saat membuka Forum Keenam Gerakan Dunia untuk Demokrasi (World Forum for Democracy) di Hotel Shangri-La, Senin (11/4) pagi.

WMD adalah sebuah forum global untuk demokrasi di berbagai belahan dunia. Forum ini beranggotakan para aktivis demokrasi, pemimpin pemerintahan, akademisi, juga para mantan pemimpin dunia. Pertemuan di Jakarta kali ini adalah yang kali keenam.

Direktur WMD Art Kaufman menyatakan forum dihadiri sekurangnya 625 undangan dari 110 negara dan 100 orang mitra lokal Indonesia. Tema utama forum kali ini adalah gerakan dunia menguatkan masyarakat madani, kajian terhadap program-program demokrasi,
dan diskusi untuk memastikan demokrasi berjalan dengan baik.

Monday, April 19, 2010

Handphone Nokia

Bikini Pics - Finnish mobile-phone conglomerate Nokia attempts to carve a deeper niche into the local handset market with the recent launch of its "Comes with Music" service, a new step in the development of entertainment-on-the-go here in Beijing: a library of 9 million songs, free and instantly available for download directly to any one of eight special phones currently on sale.

"Over 50 percent of the content is Chinese music because we know that local music is key for consumers," Louise Ingram, director of communications for Nokia China, Japan and South Korea, told the Global Times. "Each market has its own catalogue based on local tastes."

Having already secured contracts with the four largest record labels in the world - Sony Music Entertainment, Universal Music Group, Warner Music Group and EMI - for Comes with Music in other regions, the Chinese version of Comes with Music also features content from local labels including EEG Music, East Asia, Huayi Brothers and Taihe. Users can download songs to their PC and upload to the phone or download to the phone wirelessly, and no exclusive contract is required with a Chinese service carrier. The free subscription to Comes with Music does expire 12 months after purchase, however.

In addition to sheer catalogue size, Comes with Music provides all songs digital-rights management (DRM)-free, allowing users to share their music continuously and without charge - "unlimited downloads which you can keep forever," according to Ingram.

One hurdle for Comes with Music noted by business commentators, is the handset's relatively high price range, starting at over 1,200 yuan - which may not be on the top end of the spectrum as far as phones go, but can't compare to China's widespread market for free, illegally-downloaded music. Ingram responded to this concern by asserting that consumers would be willing to pay more for "an unbelievable deal - the best devices with the best music package." Though she declined to comment on specifically how revenue would be divvied up among Nokia and the record labels, she said that "we have deals with all the labels that help support a healthy music ecosystem where all the stakeholders are rewarded for their contributions."

Yet in contending against both rampant piracy and the obsession with so-called "smartphones" like the iPhone, Nokia may still have a ways to go to convince Chinese consumers that Comes with Music is worth the price tag.

"I don't think this would make me more inclined to use my Nokia for music," said Monica Tam, a Beijing-based education consultant who uses her Nokia E71 model for business and an iPhone for multimedia. "The Nokia is great for work - it's got all the features of a PDA - but for music it's hard to beat the iPhone, which is much more user-friendly and better suited for media overall."

Friday, April 16, 2010

Zodia Signs Astrology

Watch Telenovelas - Much like how we only get older as time passes and how everything that goes up must come down, it is necessary to come to terms with another fundamental axiom of life: That whether we like it or not, there will be more apps tomorrow than there were today. Aside from the philosophical life implications, it’s hard to disagree with the fact that apps, whether they be mobile or online in form, are proliferating at an incredible rate.

Just remember one thing – there are a lot of cool apps out there, and you probably have never heard of them. If you’d like to show your friends what a precocious app user you are, or if you’d like to convincingly pretend so, talk about these under-the-radar apps:

FanPulse (iPhone – Free) – Sure you can get sports scores and alerts on your mobile phone. Old news. FanPulse, a recently released iPhone app, let’s you track all major games by getting alerts, but more importantly it’s a social forum where users can tell friends what games they’re currently keeping tabs on. And with that comes the ability to heckle your friends in real-time as you watch the game. Covering most major sports, it provides an excellent way to keep on top of the game and let your friends know why their team is losing so badly. Finally, a mobile app to bring your trash-talking capabilities to the Web 2.0 level.

GyPSii (Android, iPhone, Nokia, BB – Free) – Described as “the mobile social network that connects the real world with the virtual world”, GyPSii, lets users make location based updates. Users can geotag photos, texts, and videos, as well as push updates directly to Facebook and Twitter. It’s a cool way to share places with friends and explore new locales wherever you may be, and importantly, it’s free.

Blastination (iPhone, $0.99) – If visual excitement is high on your list for what makes a proper game, this is a must see. Simple in premise an addictive in execution, the goal is to collect all the shapes on the screen as quickly as possible by drawing barriers to coax it in the right direction. Flashing colors and sounds to match make for an eye-popping experience.

Softrace (Android, Free) – Every outdoor athlete’s dream: Softrace allows you to plot out checkpoints, whether for running, biking, hiking, or anything else, and then lets you track your progress with a host of statistics. Upload your times and routes, challenge your own times, other user times, and AI “opponents” all while discovering new places to get in that workout you’ve been waiting for all day. This well-executed app is all about the challenge of making the best time.

FanFinder (iPhone, Free) – Anyone can appreciate this app, particularly those in a sprawling metropolis or recent transplants to a new town. FanFinder’s mission is to help you locate all sports bars within your area, with the ability to sort by their team allegiance. Now discover where you can cheer for the Red Sox in Manhattan, and send an invite to all your friends in one app. This is quite possibly the easiest way to prevent bar-room brawls (unless you’re looking for a good fight, that is).

Roomster (Facebook, Free) – So you’re looking for a place to rent or sublet, but need a roommate? Finding one can be hard, particularly one that is easy to get along with and who won’t be watching you while you sleep. The Roomster application on Facebook lets you search by location those who are seeking a roommate or sublet, and users can filter by age, sex, and even zodiac signs of potential roommates. This is a novel solution to the poverty-inducing alternative of paying all the rent yourself.

Travel Brain (Facebook – Free) – The only thing better than traveling is bragging to everyone else about your traveling, like where you’ve been and all your crazy stories you have (or helpful advice, whichever you deem to be more useful). The Travel Brain application on Facebook does precisely that. Check off all the places you’ve been to around the globe, get input from those who have been to your next destination, and check out where you friends have been and who has similar travel plans. The application will even give you a “personality analysis” based on where you’ve been. Time to book your next trip.

Mobile Defense (Android, Free) – Anyone who has lost their phone certainly knows a special kind of pain. Losing an expensive device, along with lots of personal data, is a frightening thought. Mobile Defense is an app for Android that runs incognito, allowing you to track down your phone at any given moment (from a computer), and even send alerts to your phone, like threatening messages to cell phone thieves to scare the hell out of them. Additional tools like the ability to remotely lock your phone as well as remotely back-up or wipe data makes Mobile Defense a must have utility.

AirVue Golf (iPhone – $9.99) – Traditional golf rangefinders (which tell the golfer how far they are from the green, or anywhere) can easily cost upwards of $100. This relatively cheap app, using satellite imagery of over 10,000 courses, lets golfers measure any shot distance and gives them the upper hand in planning out their way to the green with a slick interface. Better yet, you can keep track of all of your shots and break your statistics down with enough graphs and charts to satiate even the most seasoned data geek. All host of other useful features means that golfing has never been so good.

Twilert (Online Service, Free) – This aptly named app allows anyone, even those without Twitter accounts, to get free customizable alerts based on keyword searches in Twitter feeds. So if you want to follow the buzz on a certain company or brand, or any topic really, you can easily set-up alerts to your e-mail account filling you in on everything coming from the Twitter universe. A useful tool for those wanting the latest info on the topics they care about.

Sunday, April 11, 2010

Bangkit di 2012 ‎

Bikini Pics - Setelah sempat memporak-porandakan New York, Amerika Serikat pada 1998 lalu, Godzilla siap bangkit lagi. Baru-baru ini, Legendary Pictures dan Warner Bros sepakat untuk bekerja sama untuk menggarap sekuel 'Godzilla'.

Seperti dilansir Aceshowbiz, Rabu (31/3/2010), untuk menggarap Film tersebut, Legendary Pictures dan Warner Bros telah mengantongi izin dari Toho, perusahaan film Jepang pemegang hak cipta karakter Godzilla. Rencananya, mereka akan merilis film tersebut pada 2012 mendatang.

Saat ini, dua perusahaan film besar asal Amerika Serikat itu masih dalam tahap pencarian sutradara dan penulis naskah. Sementara, mereka tengah melirik aktor dan aktris muda yang tengah naik daun untuk beraksi melawan monster tersebut.

Gojira, nama Jepang Godzilla tampil pertama kali di 'Gojira' yang rilis di Negeri Matahari Terbit pada 1954 silam. Sejak itu, Godzilla menjadi ikon budaya pop dunia. Selain film, monster penyembur api tersebut juga muncul di media lain, di antaranya, video games, novel, komik dan serial televisi.

Pada 1998, sutradara Roland Emmerich pun menampilkan mahluk yang mendapat julukan Monster Zero-One itu pada film garapannya. Namun, film tersebut tidak memenuhi target pendapatan. Diprediksi bisa meraup US$ 90 juta di pemutaran minggu pertamanya, 'Godzilla' hanya mendapat US$ 44 juta.

Thursday, April 8, 2010

Nokia Produksi Tablet

Watch Movie Online - Nokia diam-diam mengamati Apple yang tampaknya bakal sukses besar dengan produk barunya, iPad. Seorang analis teknologi mengklaim, raksasa ponsel ini mempersiapkan tablet yang ditujukan untuk bersaing dengan iPad.

Memang tak hanya Nokia, beberapa vendor teknologi lain sedang mempersiapkan diri membuat tandingan iPad. Misalnya saja Samsung Electronics dan Hewlett Packard.

Dikutip detikINET dari Reuters, Rabu (7/4/2010), Nokia sendiri sudah memasuki bisnis PC, misalnya dengan peluncuran laptop Booklet 3G tahun lalu. Namun laptop ini kurang terdengar gemanya.

Menurut Ashok Kumar, analis di Rodman dan Renshaw, para vendor teknologi tidak akan membiarkan Apple memimpin sendirian di ranah komputer tablet. Untuk itulah Nokia mempersiapkan gadget tandingan.

"Saat ini, jalur distribusi tablet Nokia sudah dipersiapkan untuk peluncurannya. Tablet ini akan mulai berada di toko pada September-Oktober untuk memenuhi permintaan pada musim liburan," klaim Kumar.

Kumar menyatakan, tablet Nokia mengandalkan software Microsoft Windows. Namun ada pula prediksi tablet itu memakai sistem operasi MeeGo yang dikembangkan Nokia bersama Intel. Menanggapi kabar ini, pihak Nokia belum bersedia berkomentar.

"MeeGo kemungkinan ditujukan terutama untuk pasar tablet. Saya pikir Nokia atau Samsung memang akan memasuki pasar komputer tablet," ucap Tero Kuittinen, analis di MKM Partners